John is an experienced teacher of young and old alike. His piano students include music students at Edinburgh University.
Formerly John was the Senior Lecturer in charge of the Degree Course performance option at Dartington College of Arts.
Now, John takes performance seminars St Mary’s Music School in Edinburgh. Teacher and pupil pool their experiences of life, both serious and humorous, to inspire performers to be confident and relaxed.
For many years he worked as a chamber music coach in the Dartington International Summer School, and has worked as an accompanist for various master classes including Jacqueline du Pre’s Master Classes.
For seven consecutive years the Dartington Trio, in which John is the pianist, received funding to commission composers with Dartington connections to write works for South Devon Primary School children to perform jointly with the Trio. The resulting concerts and the preparatory rehearsals proved to be most successful ventures! Composers included David Bedford, Anthony LeFleming, Julian Marshall and Scott Strohman.
“…I also want to say thank you for all the piano lessons you have given me, I have learnt so much and I really think you are an excellent teacher! Thank you for EVERYTHING….” [N., age 12]
“…For the last five years as my teacher, there’s been no other who has always so evidently found joy in music as well as instilled it in others. Through such enthusiasm (and a good deal more patience) you have managed to get me over the numerous ABRSM hurdles, and not only that, been a fantastic teacher and musician along the way.” [E., age 17]